Hey, it’s a new website!

Yep, after many years just having my portfolio hosted on ArtStation I decided it was time for a change. The cost of the service vs. what I was getting out of it was the main factor, but also I liked the idea of my portfolio not looking like every other ArtStation site.
Having my own custom-made site lets me do some more interesting things I had been thinking about, for example I’ve set up a place I’m calling “The Basement” which is one big gallery where I’m dumping pretty much everything I make no matter how hideous. I already had to dig around on like six different devices to find old content, and I’m sure there’s still a lot I haven’t found.
When building the new site, it already came with blogging tools – initially I was gonna get rid of it all, but right now I’m thinking it could come in handy. I could use the blog for posting updates on things I’m making, tutorials, or even just going on rants that I wouldn’t put on social media. Twitter seems to be going to shit and no one uses Facebook, I think the internet peaked in the days when everyone had their own blog and used forums specific to their interests. Maybe we need to go back to that golden age.
Anyway – I wouldn’t expect very frequent posts from me, I never frequently post anything. But who knows, I’m keeping busy at the moment tinkering away on stuff in my cave and perhaps I’ll do a post about it in future.